How to repair a ball mark

We have all been there before…You just hit a great approach shot, look down, and realize you’ve taken a chunk out of the fairway. Don’t worry though, it’s a common occurrence for most golfers. The damage, as a result of your swing or golf ball, is called a divot. Although divots are easy to fix, they are often intentionally or unintentionally overlooked.

Here is what Golf Rulebook has to say about divots in Section I “. . . a player should ensure that any divot hole made by him and any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired.” A survey taken by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America shows that the most prevalent breach of course etiquette is the failure to repair ball marks. This breach is followed closely by the failure to replace divots and to rake bunkers.

Here are the steps recommended on how to properly repair divots:

Step #1:

Make sure you have a divot repair tool before you hit the course.

Step #2:

Take your divot repair tool and insert the prongs into the turf at the edge of the hole.

Step #3:

Push the edge of the ball mark toward the center.

Step #4:

Gently tap down the repaired ball mark with a club, preferably a putter.Ensure that fairway divots are filled with the seed/sand that is provided on the cart, or replace the grass divot.

Divot repair is important and good etiquette

By repairing your ball marks it allows us to keep the courses we love in great shape, especially for who will come behind you. When divots are neglected, weeds can take over, golfers to come can face difficult shots, and the general appearance of the course can suffer. Remember while golf is fun, entertaining, and relaxing – respect for the course is equally important.

