Do you love to play golf? Do you also love to save money? The Proclubs team has pooled their collective knowledge together and come up with some serious golf saving tips that you might not have considered before. Between equipment and greens fees, the costs of golfing can add up quickly, there’s no wonder why the game of golf still retains somewhat of a stigma as being an “elitist’s” sport.
Learn to Save Money and Play Golf

More than ever, the game ends up a casualty of a limited budget, but don’t stress because there are tons of ways to save money on and around the golf course. There’s no reason to think of golf as an expensive hobby anymore. It can be fit into the most frugal lifestyle in 2017. So continue enjoying your time on the green, knowing that you’re saving big using these 5 pro tips.
1. Buy used clubs
Purchasing golf equipment can be expensive but there are ways to save money if you’re on a budget. Like automobiles, golf clubs depreciate in value. I always try to buy my clubs used whenever possible. If you desperately want a set of Pings, Titleist, Callaways or any of the major golf brands clubs you can save 30%-70% buying used. Golf clubs rarely wear out. You can get top-notch equipment at a fraction of its original cost. And if you have some old clubs you no longer want, you can sell them and lessen the amount of cash coming out of your own pocket for the purchase.
2. Stop at your grocery store or pack a lunch before your round
Instead of buying overpriced snacks at the course, visit your local grocery store beforehand. If you make this a habit you’ll start to save real money. If you are rushed on the way to the course, and in need of healthy options, Trader Joe’s has quite a few of my favorites. Some of their meals are made for on-the-go. Pre cut veggies and healthy salads are quick, easy and healthy to grab for a full 18-hole round of golf.
3. Walk, don’t ride
Walk instead of renting a golf cart. It’s a simple suggestion, but you can save a lot of money over time. Walking the course won’t only save you money, it will give you more time doing what you love, and will promote better health for you as well. Renting a pull cart, or even buying one if you play a lot is always a good choice. You’ll find that walking also helps you better pace yourself; there is much time to contemplate between tee and green.
4. Play in the afternoon
Many of the best public courses in the country offer twilight fees. Just like airlines and hotels, nearly all golf courses have flexible rate structures to optimize utilization. Even on weekends in high season, rates can begin to drop as early as 11 a.m. to ensure that the golf course remains full. Be sure to ask your local course if it offers mid-morning, weekday, or “twilight” rates. In addition to paying a lot less for the same course, you’d play at times that are generally less crowded.
5. Buy and carry a golf ball retriever
It’s easy to lose balls in the deep rough or in the water. However, if you carry a golf ball retriever, you can fish back not only your golf balls but balls left behind from other golfers.
6. Buy / Bring used golf balls
When you’re playing unfamiliar courses, especially courses with a lot of hazards, bring used golf balls. You’re usually going to lose at least 3 golf balls a round. Keeping a good supply of used balls in your bag prevents burning through a sleeve or two of new balls per round.
7. Use weather to your advantage
Many golf courses follow a scaling pricing system for tee times. On days that are too hot or have a chance of rain, courses often reduce their rates to attract more golfers. Chances are the weather will clear up, and you’ll have the course to yourself.
8. Become a member of your favorite course
This only works as a money saver if you love the course & golf there often. There are many advantages of getting a club membership but each club is different so do the math and make sure it’s worth it for you.
9. Don’t subscribe to golf magazines or buy gimmick products
When you become obsessed with golf you’ll want to subscribe to golf magazines. This can be very costly, because the main purpose of those magazines is to convince you that you can’t be a great player without the latest gear. Golf has just as many gimmick products as fishing. Don’t be fooled by the hype.
10. Use your savings to buy lessons
Lessons are the best way to get better at golf, not fancy equipment. This investment will go much farther toward helping you enjoy the game of golf than anything else.
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This is a great guide too go by I haven’t sudscribed to a golf magazine in years and when a new club comes out I buy it used ,it’s a big scam on unsuspecting golfers who don’t know any better thank you ProClubs for a nice reminder
No problem Terry! We’re here to help save money and have a great time playing golf.